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Introducing Vigor 2...
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Announcement Introducing Vigor 2.0 Economic Model - We Need Your Feedback!

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Hello Vigor Community,

We're excited to present the much-anticipated Vigor 2.0 Economic Model. This represents a significant evolution of the Vigor platform and has been designed with input and feedback from you, our valued community members.

We want this to be a collaborative process, so we're sharing this model with you first and seeking your feedback. Your thoughts, insights, and experiences are invaluable to us and we believe they're essential for this next phase of Vigor.

Here's how to give your feedback:

  1. Download and read the attached Vigor 2.0 Economic Model.

  2. Think about the ideas presented, how they might work in practice, and how they might be improved.

  3. Share your feedback by replying to this post. This can be anything from broad thoughts on the model as a whole to specific comments on certain points.

  4. Engage with other community members. Discussion can lead to great ideas, so don't hesitate to respond to other comments.

We look forward to your feedback and continuing to make Vigor a revolutionary platform in the blockchain space. Thank you for your continued support and for being part of this exciting journey!

fabiof and boo reacted
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New Member
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1

Looks good!

Some points for discussion:

  1. I like the crude expected time to default but I think the suggested APR loan rate formula gives too high rates compared to the rates offered by competitors such as USN, DAI or even the likes of AAVE and Compound. This might prevent VIgor 2.0 from attracting borrowers.For example, the annual volatility of BTC is ~70% (and even higher for EOS), so even if Spot Price/Loan Strike is above 1.9 the APR calculated is above 10%.
    Maybe it can be solved by multiplying the APR loan rate formula by a constant < 1?
    I also wonder if the Loan Rate APR calculation makes sense for low volatility collateral such as USDC or USDT.
  2. There should be rules to prevent stakers from gaming the system, for example: Prevent unstaking VIG just before slashing is expected.
  3. VIGOR 1.0 has an option to borrow crypto with VIGOR as collateral. Do you plan to allow it in future Vigor 2 versions?

New Member
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1

I am very excited about Vigor 2.0 being released. I think an education section on how to use Vigor 2.0 and an explanation of the strategies would indeed be helpful for everyone especially newcomers. Hopefully you can consider incorporating such educational resources on the platform to assist users in understanding and utilizing Vigor 2.0 effectively.  Thanks for all the hard work getting Vigor to this point.
